Basic Chess Rules

Basic Chess Rules: In chess, there are 8 pawns, 2 bishops, 2 knights, 2 rooks/castles, a king and a queen. The goal is to put the opposite king in checkmate without being put in checkmate yourself. To put the king in checkmate means that you have trapped the king so it is in danger of being captured and cannot move to other spaces without being captured. This can be done by moving different pieces to different squares. Almost all pieces can be captured EXCEPT for the king. Your opponent's pieces are captured by taking their square on the chess board with one of your pieces. If you are going to take the king on your next move, that's called check and the king is required to move away. If you have any more questions, ask someone who knows how to play.

The pieces can move as follows:
Pawn (1 point)-Can typically move one space, but can move diagonally when capturing pieces. If they are being moved for the first time, they can move 2 spaces if desired, cannot skip over pieces.
Bishop (3 points)-Can move diagonally, as many squares as desired, cannot skip over pieces.
Knight (3 points)-Move in an L shape, 3 spaces forward, one to either side. The only piece that can skip over pieces.
Rook/Castle (5 points)-Can move in a horizontal and vertical line, as many squares as desired, cannot skip over pieces.
Queen (9 points)- Can move diagonally, horizontally, and vertically as many spaces as desired, cannot jump over pieces.
King (the whole game)-Can move diagonally, horizontally, and vertically, can move one space only, cannot jump over pieces. If placed in check, the game is over.

Tournament Specific Rules

Touch-Move Rule: A player on move who deliberately touches one or more pieces, in a manner that may reasonably be interpreted as the beginning of a move, must move or capture the first piece touched that can be moved or captured. Spectators: NO SPECTATORS THE TOURNAMENT IS AT CAPACITY
Time: Please do your best to finish the match in lunch today. A unfinished game will be considered a tie.
Return boards as you found them: Please Reset the board! Clean up all your pieces after the game and please do not mix chess sets!

4 Player Chess

4 player chess: In four-player chess, four players will be playing on a plus-shaped (14x14 with 3x3 squares missing on each side) board. The queen is always on the left side. The players turns will rotate in a circular motion, starting with red. The game is similar to regular 2-player chess and the pieces move the same amount of spaces. Pawns promote the 8th square from your side of the chess board. To win, you must capture the king instead of putting the king in check. If you have any more questions, ask someone who knows how to play.